On Saturday August 7, I was privileged to be part of Nancy Bea Miller's 2nd annual "Plein Air for Camphill" day of art... http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=12827&id=130988316937820&ref=mf
More than 50 artists worked on paintings on the 80 acre campus of the Camphill school for special needs' kids, and the results will be on exhbit at the Rosenfeld Gallery on Tuesday October 5th. Last year the event was a mob scene, with more than 100 pieces of art sold. Nancy has done a fantastic job of coordinating this effort for the 2nd year in a row. She is a fantastic artist herself and mother of an autistic son who attends the school. Her website: http://www.genrecookshop.com/nbm/index.html and blog: http://nancybnews.blogspot.com/